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Robert Cargill, and leading man Ethan Hawke. The Black Phone reunites Sinister's trifecta of talent: director Scott Derrickson, screenwriter C. Now, the kids who grew up in the shadow of such stories are making horror movies of their own. In the '80s, Stephen King spun his own version with his supernatural horror novel, It. In the '70s, there was the horrendous true crime case of John Wayne Gacy, the Killer Clown. But does it rattle us like those long-ago fears once did? Nope. A grim tale of a serial killer who targets kids, The Black Phone has some twisted ideas and clever turns. The Black Phone calls to all those who remember fearing an unmarked van, the neighbors whispering, a bogeyman appearing at any moment to rip away your freedom, family, and life. But when you grew up in the era of Stranger Danger, that longing might have a bloody raw edge, festered with lingering nightmares. Typically, nostalgia is a mix of longing, joy, and melancholy.

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